Tournament Info

League: Stoa
Location: Glendale, Arizona
Start date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
End date: Saturday, March 8, 2025



Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Axiom 51 ✔
2nd flag CA EPIC2 25.5 ✔
3rd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 17 ✔
4th flag AZ Death to Life 12.75 ✔
5th flag OK LAUNCH 10.2 ✔
6th flag AZ Death to Life 8.5 ✔
7th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 7.286 ✔
8th flag CA Envoy 6.375 ✔
9th flag CA Half Baked 5.667 ✔
10th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 5.1 ✔
11th flag AZ Whirlwind 4.636 ✔
12th flag CA Ex Nihilo 4.25 ✔
13th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 3.923 ✔
14th flag CA Apollos 3.643 ✔
15th flag CA Envoy 3.4 ✔
16th flag CA Envoy 3.188 ✔
17th flag CA Control 3 ✔
18th flag CA Independence Hall 2.833 ✔
19th flag TX Invictus Fides 2.684 ✔
20th flag AZ Death to Life 2.55 ✔
21st flag CA Apollos 2.429
22nd flag AZ Sola Gratia 2.318
23rd flag CA Independence Hall 2.217
24th flag CA Set Apart 2.125
25th flag WA Validus 2.04
26th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.962
27th flag CA Envoy 1.889
28th flag CA Whirlwind 1.821
29th flag CA Apollos 1.759
30th flag OK LAUNCH 1.7
31st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.645
32nd flag CA Response 1.594
33rd flag CA Apollos 1.545
34th flag AZ Apollos 1.5
35th flag CA Envoy 1.457
36th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.417
37th flag CA Response 1.378
38th flag CO Resolve 1.342
39th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.308
40th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.275
41st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.244
42nd flag CO Resolve 1.214
43rd flag CA Envoy 1.186

Dramatic Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag OK LAUNCH 3 ✔
2nd flag CA EPIC2 1.5

Duo Interpretation

Place Team Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st - flag CA Envoy 3 ✔
2nd - flag CO Resolve 1.5


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Half Baked 35 ✔
2nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 17.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Axiom 11.667 ✔
4th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 8.75 ✔
5th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 7 ✔
6th flag TX Invictus Fides 5.833 ✔
7th flag AZ Death to Life 5 ✔
8th flag CA Envoy 4.375 ✔
9th flag CA Independence Hall 3.889 ✔
10th flag OK LAUNCH 3.5 ✔
11th flag CA Legacy 3.182 ✔
12th flag CA Envoy 2.917 ✔
13th flag CA Envoy 2.692 ✔
14th flag TX Invictus Fides 2.5 ✔
15th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.333
16th flag CA Envoy 2.188
17th flag OK LAUNCH 2.059
18th flag CA Half Baked 1.944
19th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.842
20th flag CA Apollos 1.75
21st flag AZ Apollos 1.667
22nd flag CA Response 1.591
23rd flag CA Control 1.522
24th flag CA Apollos 1.458
25th flag CA Apollos 1.4
26th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.346
27th flag CA Response 1.296
28th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.25
29th flag CA Response 1.207

Humorous Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CO Plumb Forensics 3 ✔
2nd flag CA Response 1.5


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 25%?
1st flag CA Axiom 66 ✔
2nd flag CA Half Baked 33 ✔
3rd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 22 ✔
4th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 16.5 ✔
5th flag CA Independence Hall 13.2 ✔
6th flag CA Apollos 11 ✔
7th flag CA Exclamation Point! 9.429 ✔
8th flag CA EPIC2 8.25 ✔
9th flag AZ Death to Life 7.333 ✔
10th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 6.6 ✔
11th flag TX Invictus Fides 6 ✔
12th flag AZ Whirlwind 5.5 ✔
13th flag CA Set Apart 5.077 ✔
14th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4.714 ✔
15th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 4.4 ✔
16th flag CA Apollos 4.125 ✔
17th flag CA Half Baked 3.882
18th flag OK LAUNCH 3.667
19th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.474
20th flag TX Invictus Fides 3.3
21st flag CA Apollos 3.143
22nd flag CA Response 3
23rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.87
24th flag CA Independence Hall 2.75
25th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.64
26th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.538
27th flag CA Envoy 2.444
28th flag AZ Apollos 2.357
29th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 2.276
30th flag CA Apollos 2.2
31st flag AZ Sola Gratia 2.129
32nd flag CA Control 2.063
33rd flag CA Response 2
34th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.941
35th flag CA Envoy 1.886
36th flag CO Resolve 1.833
37th flag CA Envoy 1.784
38th flag OK LAUNCH 1.737
39th flag AZ Firestorm Speech & Debate 1.692
40th flag CO Plumb Forensics 1.65
41st flag CA Exclamation Point! 1.61
42nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.571
43rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.535
44th flag CA Response 1.5
45th flag CA Response 1.467
46th flag CA Independence Hall 1.435
47th flag WA Validus 1.404
48th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.375
49th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.347
50th flag AZ Firestorm Speech & Debate 1.32
51st flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.294
52nd flag AZ Death to Life 1.269
53rd flag CO Resolve 1.245
54th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.222
55th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.2
56th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.179

Mars Hill

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag OK LAUNCH 23 ✔
2nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 11.5 ✔
3rd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 7.667 ✔
4th flag CA Legacy 5.75 ✔
5th flag CA Axiom 4.6 ✔
6th flag CA Half Baked 3.833 ✔
7th flag CA Independence Hall 3.286 ✔
8th flag TX Invictus Fides 2.875 ✔
9th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.556 ✔
10th flag CA M&M 2.3
11th flag CA Control 2.091
12th flag AZ Death to Life 1.917
13th flag CA Envoy 1.769
14th flag AZ Death to Life 1.643
15th flag CA Response 1.533
16th flag CA Envoy 1.438
17th flag CA Response 1.353
18th flag CA Half Baked 1.278
19th flag CA Envoy 1.211

Open Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 13 ✔
2nd flag WA Validus 6.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 4.333 ✔
4th flag CA Independence Hall 3.25 ✔
5th flag TX Invictus Fides 2.6 ✔
6th flag CA Legacy 2.167
7th flag CO Plumb Forensics 1.857
8th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.625
9th flag AZ Whirlwind 1.444
10th flag CA Response 1.3
11th flag CA Apollos 1.182

Original Oratory

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Axiom 31 ✔
2nd flag CA Half Baked 15.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Set Apart 10.333 ✔
4th flag OK LAUNCH 7.75 ✔
5th flag CA Whirlwind 6.2 ✔
6th flag AZ Death to Life 5.167 ✔
7th flag CA Exclamation Point! 4.429 ✔
8th flag CA Exclamation Point! 3.875 ✔
9th flag CA Independence Hall 3.444 ✔
10th flag CA Control 3.1 ✔
11th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 2.818 ✔
12th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.583 ✔
13th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.385
14th flag AZ Death to Life 2.214
15th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.067
16th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.938
17th flag AZ Whirlwind 1.824
18th flag CO Plumb Forensics 1.722
19th flag OK LAUNCH 1.632
20th flag CO Resolve 1.55
21st flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.476
22nd flag CA Independence Hall 1.409
23rd flag CA Apollos 1.348
24th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.292
25th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.24
26th flag CA Envoy 1.192


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 21 ✔
2nd flag CA Whirlwind 10.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Independence Hall 7 ✔
4th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 5.25 ✔
5th flag AZ Whirlwind 4.2 ✔
6th flag OK LAUNCH 3.5 ✔
7th flag CA Independence Hall 3 ✔
8th flag WA Validus 2.625 ✔
9th flag CA Envoy 2.333
10th flag TX Invictus Fides 2.1
11th flag CO Resolve 1.909
12th flag AZ Death to Life 1.75
13th flag CA Independence Hall 1.615
14th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.5
15th flag AZ Sola Gratia 1.4
16th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.313
17th flag CA Envoy 1.235

Slam Poetry

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 28 ✔
2nd flag CA Half Baked 14 ✔
3rd flag WA Validus 9.333 ✔
4th flag TX Invictus Fides 7 ✔
5th flag CA Independence Hall 5.6 ✔
6th flag CA Axiom 4.667 ✔
7th flag CA EPIC2 4 ✔
8th flag AZ Whirlwind 3.5 ✔
9th flag AZ Death to Life 3.111 ✔
10th flag CA Whirlwind 2.8 ✔
11th flag AZ Death to Life 2.545 ✔
12th flag AZ Firestorm Speech & Debate 2.333
13th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.154
14th flag CO Plumb Forensics 2
15th flag CA Response 1.867
16th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.75
17th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.647
18th flag AZ Ablaze Speech 1.556
19th flag CA Response 1.474
20th flag CO Resolve 1.4
21st flag TX Invictus Fides 1.333
22nd flag CA M&M 1.273
23rd flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.217

Lincoln Douglas Value Debate

Place Student Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st flag 5-1 8-1 OK LAUNCH 23 ✔
2nd flag 5-1 7-2 CA Ex Nihilo 11.5 ✔
3rd flag 5-1 6-2 CA Half Baked 7.667 ✔
4th flag 4-2 5-3 CA Set Apart 5.75 ✔
5th flag 5-1 5-2 CA Ex Nihilo 4.6 ✔
6th flag 5-1 5-2 WA Validus 3.833 ✔
7th flag 4-2 4-3 OK LAUNCH 3.286 ✔
8th flag 4-2 4-3 CA Nexus Debate 2.875 ✔
9th flag 3-3 3-3 CA EPIC2 2.556 ✔
10th flag 3-3 3-3 CA M&M 2.3
11th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Half Baked 2.091
12th flag 3-3 3-3 TX Invictus Fides 1.917
13th flag 3-3 3-3 TX Invictus Fides 1.769
14th flag 3-3 3-3 CO LOGOS Colorado 1.643
15th flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.533
16th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.438
17th flag 2-4 2-4 CO LOGOS Colorado 1.353
18th flag 2-4 2-4 CO LOGOS Colorado 1.278
19th flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Sola Gratia 1.211
20th flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Death to Life 1.2
21st flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.2
22nd flag 2-4 2-4 WA Validus 1.2

Lincoln Douglas Value Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag OK LAUNCH 23 ✔
2nd flag CA EPIC2 11.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Nexus Debate 7.667 ✔
4th flag CA Set Apart 5.75 ✔
5th flag CA Half Baked 4.6 ✔
6th flag CA Ex Nihilo 3.833 ✔
7th flag CA Ex Nihilo 3.286 ✔
8th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.875 ✔
9th flag CA M&M 2.556 ✔
10th flag OK LAUNCH 2.3
11th flag TX Invictus Fides 2.091
12th flag WA Validus 1.917
13th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.769
14th flag CA Half Baked 1.643
15th flag TX Invictus Fides 1.533
16th flag AZ Sola Gratia 1.438
17th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.353
18th flag CA Response 1.278
19th flag CA Response 1.211

Parliamentary Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 4-2 6-2 CA Half Baked 24 ✔
2nd - flag 5-1 6-2 AZ Apollos 12 ✔
3rd - flag 5-1 5-2 CA Whirlwind 8 ✔
4th - flag 5-1 5-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 6 ✔
5th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Apollos 4.8 ✔
6th - flag 4-2 4-2 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4 ✔
7th - flag 4-2 4-2 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.429 ✔
8th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Response 3 ✔
9th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA LOGOS Colorado 2.667 ✔
10th - flag 3-3 3-3 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.4
11th - flag 3-3 3-3 TX Invictus Fides 2.182
12th - flag 3-3 3-3 AZ Death to Life 2
13th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Envoy 1.846
14th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ex Nihilo 1.714
15th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Envoy 1.6
16th - flag 3-3 3-3 AZ Whirlwind 1.5
17th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 1.5
18th - flag 3-3 3-3 CO Plumb Forensics 1.5
19th - flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.263
20th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA M&M 1.2

Parliamentary Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Axiom 48 ✔
2nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 24 ✔
3rd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 16 ✔
4th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 12 ✔
5th flag CA Half Baked 9.6 ✔
6th flag AZ Apollos 8 ✔
7th flag CA LOGOS Colorado 6.857 ✔
8th flag AZ Death to Life 6 ✔
9th flag CA Apollos 5.333 ✔
10th flag OK LAUNCH 4.8 ✔
11th flag CA Apollos 4.364 ✔
12th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 4 ✔
13th flag OK LAUNCH 3.692 ✔
14th flag AZ Whirlwind 3.429 ✔
15th flag CA Apollos 3.2 ✔
16th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3 ✔
17th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.824 ✔
18th flag TX Invictus Fides 2.667 ✔
19th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.526 ✔
20th flag AZ Death to Life 2.4
21st flag CA Envoy 2.286
22nd flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.182
23rd flag CA Apollos 2.087
24th flag CA Response 2
25th flag CA Whirlwind 1.92
26th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.846
27th flag CA Envoy 1.778
28th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.714
29th flag CO Plumb Forensics 1.655
30th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.6
31st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.548
32nd flag CA M&M 1.5
33rd flag CO Plumb Forensics 1.455
34th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.412
35th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 1.371
36th flag CA Envoy 1.333
37th flag CA Envoy 1.297
38th flag AZ Firestorm Speech & Debate 1.263
39th flag CA Response 1.231
40th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.2

Team Policy Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 4-2 7-2 CA Axiom 24 ✔
2nd - flag 6-0 8-1 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 12 ✔
3rd - flag 4-2 5-3 AZ Apollos 8 ✔
4th - flag 4-2 5-3 CA Response 6 ✔
5th - flag 5-1 5-2 AZ Death to Life 4.8 ✔
6th - flag 4-2 4-3 CA Whirlwind 4 ✔
7th - flag 4-2 4-3 CA Apollos 3.429 ✔
8th - flag 4-2 4-3 CA Envoy 3 ✔
9th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Envoy 2.667 ✔
10th - flag 3-3 3-3 CO LOGOS Colorado 2.4
11th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 2.182
12th - flag 3-3 3-3 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2
13th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.846
14th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.714
15th - flag 3-3 3-3 NV Ag & Au 1.6
16th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.5
17th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Envoy 1.412
18th - flag 2-4 2-4 CO Resolve 1.333
19th - flag 2-4 2-4 CO Plumb Forensics 1.263
20th - flag 2-4 2-4 CO LOGOS Colorado 1.2
21st - flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.2

Team Policy Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Axiom 48 ✔
2nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 24 ✔
3rd flag AZ Death to Life 16 ✔
4th flag CA Apollos 12 ✔
5th flag CA LOGOS Colorado 9.6 ✔
6th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 8 ✔
7th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 6.857 ✔
8th flag CA Whirlwind 6 ✔
9th flag AZ Apollos 5.333 ✔
10th flag CA Apollos 4.8 ✔
11th flag CA Apollos 4.364 ✔
12th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4 ✔
13th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 3.692 ✔
14th flag AZ Whirlwind 3.429 ✔
15th flag CA Response 3.2 ✔
16th flag CO LOGOS Colorado 3 ✔
17th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.824 ✔
18th flag AZ Death to Life 2.667 ✔
19th flag CA Envoy 2.526 ✔
20th flag CA Response 2.4
21st flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.286
22nd flag CA Envoy 2.182
23rd flag CA Envoy 2.087
24th flag CA Envoy 2
25th flag CA Response 1.92
26th flag CA Response 1.846
27th flag CA Envoy 1.778
28th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.714
29th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.655
30th flag CO Resolve 1.6
31st flag CO Plumb Forensics 1.548
32nd flag CO Resolve 1.5
33rd flag CA Envoy 1.455
34th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.412
35th flag CA Apollos 1.371
36th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.333
37th flag NV Ag & Au 1.297
38th flag NV Ag & Au 1.263
39th flag CO Plumb Forensics 1.231
40th flag CA Apollos 1.2