- California

Debate Club: Half Baked
Speech Club: Half Baked

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 33.591 Speech Rank Points: 15.713
National Rank: 342nd National Speech Rank: 437th
CA Rank: 83rd CA Speech Rank: 92nd
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 254th 57th 1.444
flag 200th 38th 9.731 ✔
flag 118th 28th 4.538
flag 206th 51st 5.457 ✔
flag 176th 41st 6.294
flag 172nd 32nd 2.821
flag 301st 54th 1
flag 68th 4th 9.6 ✔
flag 269th 52nd 3.837

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