- California

Debate Club: Apollos
Speech Club: Apollos

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 44.975 Speech Rank Points: 22.436
National Rank: 282nd National Speech Rank: 342nd
CA Rank: 62nd CA Speech Rank: 75th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 170th 46th 7.356 ✔✔
flag 138th 33rd 4.876
flag 191st 36th 10.204 ✔
flag 153rd 28th 3.375 ✔
flag 263rd 49th 1.2
flag 266th 51st 3.855
flag 285th 82nd 1.815
flag 75th 24th 11.667 ✔
flag 126th 40th 6.297 ✔✔
flag 158th 45th 11.073 ✔✔✔

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