Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 601 - 660 of 1762 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
601st 27.922
602nd 27.867
603rd 27.75
604th 27.731
605th 27.726
606th 27.69
607th 27.672
608th 27.563
609th 27.529
610th 27.407
611th 27.39
612th 27.009
613th 26.934
614th 26.823
615th 26.782
616th 26.412
617th 26.405
618th 26.367
619th 26.352
620th 26.27
621st 26.223
622nd 26.17
623rd 26.15
624th 25.928
625th 25.922
626th 25.873
627th 25.826
628th 25.803
629th 25.721
630th 25.606
631st 25.371
632nd 25.344
633rd 25.29
634th 25.235
635th 25.201
636th 25.151
637th 25.147
638th 24.99
639th 24.935
640th 24.872
641st 24.799
642nd 24.696
643rd 24.687
644th 24.649
645th 24.647
646th 24.388
647th 24.338
648th 24.281
649th 24.206
650th 24.13
651st 24.105
652nd 24.097
653rd 24.077
654th 24.004
655th 23.998
656th 23.849
657th 23.779
658th 23.741
659th 23.707
660th 23.625