Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in Veritas Speech and Debate

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Displaying all 35 records

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 153.009
2nd 132.629
3rd 129.163
4th 119.849
5th 83.754
6th 73.557
7th 60.66
8th 59.477
9th 53.423
10th 41.55
11th 40.162
12th 38.56
13th 30.514
14th 27.867
15th 22.176
16th 20.125
17th 18.938
18th 18.56
19th 16.286
20th 16.145
21st 10.656
22nd 10.199
23rd 8.629
24th 7.458
25th 7.291
26th 7.083
27th 5.725
28th 5.299
29th 4.273