- Arkansas

Debate Club: Surgamus Speech and Debate
Speech Club: Surgamus Speech and Debate

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 21.971 Speech Rank Points: 13.451
National Rank: 470th National Speech Rank: 490th
AR Rank: 21st AR Speech Rank: 24th
Event National Rank AR Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 377th 16th 2.719
flag 341st 17th 4.933
flag 159th 10th 1.375
flag 150th 9th 4.424
flag 222nd 14th 4.935
flag 212th 13th 5.106
flag 151st 6th 3.585
flag 253rd 14th 4.117

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.