- Georgia

Debate Club: Dynamis Speech & Debate
Speech Club: Dynamis Speech & Debate

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 17.05 Speech Rank Points: 11.974
National Rank: 746th National Speech Rank: 725th
GA Rank: 35th GA Speech Rank: 27th
Event National Rank GA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 62nd 3rd 4.5 ✔
flag 305th 16th 1.105
flag 102nd 5th 1.5
flag 954th 41st 1.333
flag 465th 8th 1.286
flag 333rd 18th 2.25
flag 345th 25th 1.667
flag 257th 19th 3.409
flag 356th 32nd 5.051

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.