- Virginia

Debate Club: Apex Speech and Debate Club
Speech Club: Apex Speech and Debate Club

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 20.936 Speech Rank Points: 16.516
National Rank: 485th National Speech Rank: 418th
VA Rank: 43rd VA Speech Rank: 38th
Event National Rank VA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 55th 6th 4.999
flag 339th 29th 4.979
flag 69th 8th 5.464
flag 325th 47th 1.074
flag 281st 21st 3.372
flag 302nd 20th 3.117
flag 298th 30th 1.048
flag 441st 48th 1.158

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.