- Texas

Debate Club: Invictus Fides
Speech Club: Invictus Fides

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 42.107 Speech Rank Points: 36.742
National Rank: 292nd National Speech Rank: 232nd
TX Rank: 40th TX Speech Rank: 30th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 47th 8th 6.334 ✔
flag 117th 20th 1.111
flag 178th 24th 3.561
flag 257th 35th 6.958
flag 147th 15th 3.428
flag 52nd 9th 15.35 ✔✔✔
flag 211th 38th 5.365
flag 216th 40th 5.038

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