- California

Debate Club: Set Apart
Speech Club: Set Apart

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 52.122 Speech Rank Points: 45.766
National Rank: 252nd National Speech Rank: 179th
CA Rank: 56th CA Speech Rank: 38th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 178th 51st 7.12 ✔
flag 11th 4th 18.222 ✔✔
flag 131st 30th 5.032 ✔
flag 207th 43rd 9.323 ✔
flag 161st 39th 2.849
flag 217th 55th 3.22
flag 213th 56th 5.356 ✔
flag 269th 65th 3.715
flag 301st 54th 1
flag 479th 89th 1

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