- Florida

Debate Club: Go Forth Carolina
Speech Club: Go Forth Carolina

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 81.217 Speech Rank Points: 63.227
National Rank: 171st National Speech Rank: 142nd
FL Rank: 2nd FL Speech Rank: 1st
Event National Rank FL Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 198th 2nd 6.341
flag 90th 2nd 8.467 ✔
flag 58th 1st 32.556 ✔
flag 128th 4th 4 ✔
flag 120th 1st 7.197 ✔✔
flag 92nd 1st 4.666
flag 90th 4th 7.024 ✔
flag 135th 2nd 9.253 ✔
flag 78th 6th 10.966 ✔✔
flag 80th 4th 23.579 ✔✔✔

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