- Virginia

Debate Club: Verity Speech & Debate Club
Speech Club: Verity Speech & Debate Club

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 74.667 Speech Rank Points: 69.114
National Rank: 189th National Speech Rank: 127th
VA Rank: 21st VA Speech Rank: 16th
Event National Rank VA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 259th 18th 6.825
flag 23rd 3rd 14 ✔
flag 26th 2nd 28 ✔✔
flag 45th 6th 9.9 ✔✔
flag 71st 10th 10.389 ✔✔
flag 250th 18th 4.053
flag 252nd 17th 4.031
flag 238th 22nd 1.5
flag 362nd 37th 2.2

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.