- California

Debate Club: Ad Dei Gloriam
Speech Club: Ad Dei Gloriam

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 68.648 Speech Rank Points: 51.012
National Rank: 95th National Speech Rank: 83rd
CA Rank: 20th CA Speech Rank: 12th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
176th 52nd 4.074 ✔
15th 4th 5 ✔
66th 15th 7.091 ✔
58th 10th 17.747 ✔
53rd 14th 6.2 ✔
30th 4th 10.9 ✔✔
59th 16th 13.929 ✔
49th 8th 17.223 ✔✔✔
167th 28th 1.421
123rd 10th 2.286
86th 12th 8.171 ✔✔

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