- Alabama

Debate Club: Arete-Zeteo
Speech Club: Arete-Zeteo

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 7.494 Speech Rank Points: 5.294
National Rank: 887th National Speech Rank: 806th
AL Rank: 10th AL Speech Rank: 7th
Event National Rank AL Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 471st 8th 1.375
flag 125th 2nd 1.25
flag 728th 10th 1.455
flag 301st 7th 1.214
flag 263rd 6th 1.2
flag 421st 10th 1.3
flag 377th 3rd 1
flag 584th 3rd 1.231

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.