- Texas

Debate Club: Mirror of Truth
Speech Club: Mirror of Truth

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 41.681 Speech Rank Points: 33.549
National Rank: 294th National Speech Rank: 253rd
TX Rank: 41st TX Speech Rank: 36th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 205th 23rd 5.947 ✔
flag 142nd 14th 1
flag 146th 17th 4.667 ✔
flag 204th 27th 9.399
flag 162nd 29th 1.286
flag 72nd 15th 11.25 ✔x4
flag 287th 39th 1.111
flag 263rd 38th 1.2
flag 361st 52nd 2.216
flag 330th 34th 1.25
flag 139th 16th 5.662 ✔
flag 237th 27th 6.772 ✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.