- California

Debate Club: Voyagers
Speech Club: Legacy

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 41.92 Speech Rank Points: 33.506
National Rank: 445th National Speech Rank: 387th
CA Rank: 110th CA Speech Rank: 94th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 278th 85th 6.703
flag 83rd 26th 4.911
flag 228th 52nd 15.446 ✔✔
flag 134th 38th 6.446 ✔
flag 266th 68th 6.026
flag 201st 51st 8.044 ✔✔
flag 399th 76th 1.35
flag 473rd 92nd 1.038
flag 416th 81st 3.536

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