- Colorado

Debate Club: LOGOS Colorado
Speech Club: LOGOS Colorado

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 17.109 Speech Rank Points: 9.597
National Rank: 516th National Speech Rank: 546th
CO Rank: 72nd CO Speech Rank: 91st
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 280th 40th 3.748
flag 61st 17th 2.136
flag 147th 24th 1.3
flag 193rd 24th 2.413
flag 170th 17th 2.592
flag 330th 36th 2.265
flag 198th 30th 3.212
flag 278th 43rd 1.708
flag 249th 34th 5.872 ✔

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