- Colorado

Debate Club: Plumb Forensics
Speech Club: Plumb Forensics

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 43.199 Speech Rank Points: 18.126
National Rank: 289th National Speech Rank: 391st
CO Rank: 51st CO Speech Rank: 74th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 105th 20th 7.118 ✔
flag 279th 45th 6.349
flag 165th 24th 4.659 ✔
flag 108th 12th 5.855 ✔
flag 210th 25th 5.143 ✔
flag 42nd 9th 19.218 ✔✔
flag 136th 20th 12.82 ✔✔

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