- Washington

Debate Club: Verve
Speech Club: Lynnwood Apologetics

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 10.539 Speech Rank Points: 5.682
National Rank: 574th National Speech Rank: 596th
WA Rank: 28th WA Speech Rank: 24th
Event National Rank WA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 373rd 13th 1.615
flag 208th 7th 1.714
flag 432nd 18th 2.353
flag 178th 12th 1.857
flag 406th 28th 1.13
flag 218th 7th 2
flag 330th 14th 1
flag 312th 10th 3.325

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.