- Arkansas

Debate Club: Rising Eagles
Speech Club: Rising Eagles

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 124.494 Speech Rank Points: 92.825
National Rank: 91st National Speech Rank: 79th
AR Rank: 7th AR Speech Rank: 7th
Event National Rank AR Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 73rd 4th 19.857 ✔✔✔
flag 17th 2nd 37.867 ✔✔✔
flag 69th 8th 27.762 ✔✔
flag 82nd 3rd 7.339 ✔
flag 55th 8th 25.077 ✔x4
flag 7th 2nd 68.8 ✔x4
flag 119th 19th 4.75 ✔
flag 217th 12th 1.842
flag 229th 13th 4.835 ✔

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