- Colorado

Debate Club: sWord Speech & Debate
Speech Club: sWord Speech & Debate

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 53.294 Speech Rank Points: 48.065
National Rank: 238th National Speech Rank: 174th
CO Rank: 37th CO Speech Rank: 29th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 11th 5th 13.228 ✔✔✔
flag 81st 20th 2.994
flag 93rd 12th 6.509
flag 15th 3rd 21.6 ✔✔
flag 168th 27th 3.734
flag 216th 27th 5.229
flag 148th 17th 7.806 ✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.