- Oklahoma

Debate Club: Logos OK
Speech Club: Logos OK

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 35.557 Speech Rank Points: 23.606
National Rank: 332nd National Speech Rank: 328th
OK Rank: 13th OK Speech Rank: 13th
Event National Rank OK Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 233rd 11th 5.116
flag 76th 1st 3.473
flag 160th 7th 4.13
flag 229th 10th 8.137
flag 141st 6th 2.75
flag 144th 5th 9.3 ✔✔
flag 152nd 5th 7.36 ✔✔
flag 181st 6th 2.651
flag 338th 11th 2.651

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.