- Colorado

Debate Club: WD40
Speech Club: WD40

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 185.689 Speech Rank Points: 166.44
National Rank: 89th National Speech Rank: 58th
CO Rank: 17th CO Speech Rank: 10th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 7th 3rd 31.75 ✔x4
flag 217th 32nd 4.501 ✔
flag 74th 15th 49.116 ✔x5
flag 86th 8th 11.583 ✔✔✔
flag 34th 5th 39.857 ✔x5
flag 29th 4th 29.633 ✔x5
flag 186th 22nd 10.222 ✔✔
flag 147th 21st 11.873 ✔✔✔
flag 122nd 9th 9.027 ✔✔
flag 155th 16th 13.666 ✔✔✔

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