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National Christian Homeschool Speech Rankings

Ranked by verified points. Include unverified results.

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Displaying records 961 - 1020 of 1628 in total

Rank Name State Speech Club Verified
961st 6.25 6.25
961st 6.25 6.25
963rd 6.242 15.242
964th 6.238 6.238
965th 6.167 6.167
966th 6.16 6.16
967th 6.115 6.115
968th 6.11 6.11
969th 6.086 6.086
970th 6.071 6.071
971st 6.044 6.044
972nd 6.011 6.011
972nd 6.011 6.011
974th 6.005 6.005
975th 5.995 5.995
976th 5.955 5.955
977th 5.95 5.95
978th 5.941 5.941
979th 5.915 5.915
980th 5.901 5.901
981st 5.836 5.836
982nd 5.833 5.833
983rd 5.825 5.825
984th 5.803 5.803
985th 5.801 5.801
986th 5.79 5.79
987th 5.788 5.788
988th 5.784 5.784
989th 5.763 5.763
990th 5.75 5.75
991st 5.736 5.736
992nd 5.734 5.734
993rd 5.733 5.733
994th 5.713 5.713
994th 5.713 5.713
996th 5.679 5.679
997th 5.675 5.675
998th 5.629 5.629
999th 5.619 5.619
1000th 5.617 5.617
1001st 5.612 5.612
1002nd 5.609 5.609
1003rd 5.6 5.6
1004th 5.583 5.583
1005th 5.552 5.552
1006th 5.533 5.533
1007th 5.517 5.517
1008th 5.5 5.5
1008th 5.5 5.5
1008th 5.5 5.5
1008th 5.5 5.5
1012th 5.489 5.489
1013th 5.429 5.429
1014th 5.428 5.428
1015th 5.416 5.416
1016th 5.404 5.404
1017th 5.38 5.38
1018th 5.373 5.373
1019th 5.368 5.368
1020th 5.363 5.363