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Cold Reading Rankings

Ranked by total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

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Displaying entries 1 - 60 of 1101 in total

Rank Student Name State Speech Club Verified
Points Top 40%
657 657 ✔x8
305.75 305.75 ✔x8
216 216 ✔x7
213.412 213.412 ✔x5
209.409 209.409 ✔x7
195.2 195.2 ✔x6
187.167 187.167 ✔x5
185.328 185.328 ✔x7
161 161 ✔x8
158.25 158.25 ✔x8
152.655 152.655 ✔x9
151.75 151.75 ✔x5
145.333 145.333 ✔x8
132 132 ✔x7
125.942 125.942 ✔✔✔
124.765 124.765 ✔x7
119.481 119.481 ✔x8
116.4 116.4 ✔x5
111.584 111.584 ✔x8
107.267 107.267 ✔x6
90.586 90.586 ✔x9
86.469 86.469 ✔x7
83.91 83.91 ✔x5
80.764 80.764 ✔x6
77.515 77.515 ✔x4
77.339 77.339 ✔x5
75.203 75.203 ✔✔✔
74.435 74.435 ✔x4
69.296 69.296 ✔x4
67.29 67.29 ✔x4
66.267 66.267 ✔✔✔
65.602 65.602 ✔x5
65.5 65.5 ✔x6
65.026 65.026 ✔x8
64.579 64.579 ✔x6
64.39 64.39 ✔x5
64.063 64.063 ✔x4
61.075 61.075 ✔x8
60.642 60.642 ✔x6
59.802 59.802 ✔x4
58.454 58.454 ✔x7
57.932 57.932 ✔x6
57.357 57.357 ✔x5
57.186 57.186 ✔x4
56.587 56.587 ✔x10
56.442 56.442 ✔✔✔
55.511 55.511 ✔x4
54.988 54.988 ✔x5
54.25 54.25 ✔✔
53.354 53.354 ✔x5
52.694 52.694 ✔x4
52.461 52.461 ✔x5
51.268 51.268 ✔x5
50.47 50.47 ✔x4
46.853 46.853 ✔x5
46.688 46.688 ✔x8
46.6 46.6 ✔✔✔
46.269 46.269 ✔x5
46.219 46.219 ✔x6
45.742 45.742 ✔✔✔