- Texas

Debate Club: SONT
Speech Club: SONT

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 206.77 Speech Rank Points: 113.884
Verified Rank Points: 206.77 Verified Speech Rank Points: 113.884
National Rank: 80th National Speech Rank: 109th
TX Rank: 11th TX Speech Rank: 16th
Event National Rank TX Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 45th 6th 56.587 56.587 ✔x10
flag 64th 10th 20.018 20.018 ✔x4
flag 41st 5th 7.238 7.238 ✔
flag 64th 9th 15.188 15.188 ✔x5
flag 115th 13th 13.742 13.742 ✔✔✔
flag 231st 34th 1.111 1.111
flag 29th 4th 45.638 45.638 ✔x7
flag 21st 5th 52.661 52.661 ✔x9
flag 10th 3rd 44.667 44.667 ✔x6
flag 113th 28th 12.969 12.969 ✔✔
flag 310th 44th 2.581 2.581
flag 460th 73rd 3.81 3.81 ✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.