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- Washington

Debate Club: Gopher Hill
Speech Club: Gopher Hill

2014-2015 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 27.796 Speech Rank Points: 24.803
Verified Rank Points: 27.796 Verified Speech Rank Points: 24.803
National Rank: 547th National Speech Rank: 399th
WA Rank: 38th WA Speech Rank: 28th
Event National Rank WA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 193rd 14th 4.729 4.729
flag 462nd 47th 1.375 1.375
flag 60th 6th 3.952 3.952
flag 157th 8th 2.508 2.508
flag 189th 15th 5.175 5.175
flag 167th 12th 7.064 7.064 ✔
flag 239th 21st 1.833 1.833
flag 414th 35th 1.822 1.822
flag 466th 30th 1.16 1.16
flag 692nd 52nd 1.813 1.813

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