- California

Debate Club: Parle
Speech Club: Parle

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 12.36 Speech Rank Points: 7.831
Verified Rank Points: 12.36 Verified Speech Rank Points: 7.831
National Rank: 915th National Speech Rank: 955th
CA Rank: 319th CA Speech Rank: 342nd
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 431st 156th 5.831 5.831 ✔
flag 258th 100th 1 1
flag 396th 161st 1 1
flag 409th 147th 1.2 1.2
flag 329th 118th 2.25 2.25
flag 362nd 131st 1.808 1.808
flag 246th 87th 3.825 3.825
flag 466th 155th 3.794 3.794

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.