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- Virginia

Debate Club: Ethos
Speech Club: Atlantic Speech & Debate

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 191.631 Speech Rank Points: 79.11
Verified Rank Points: 122.549 Verified Speech Rank Points: 63.528
National Rank: 136th National Speech Rank: 177th
VA Rank: 3rd VA Speech Rank: 5th
Event National Rank VA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 472nd 26th 0 6.156 ✔✔
flag 62nd 2nd 24.537 25.731 ✔✔✔+✔✔
flag 144th 7th 5.825 14.057 ✔✔+✔✔
flag 14th 1st 33.166 33.166 ✔✔✔
flag 40th 1st 39.554 39.554 ✔x4
flag 58th 1st 26.818 26.818 ✔x4
flag 44th 1st 19.467 19.467 ✔✔✔
flag 66th 2nd 27.624 27.624 ✔x4
flag 461st 33rd 0 53.5 ✔x4

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