- Georgia

Debate Club: EAGLES Speaks
Speech Club: EAGLES Speaks

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 159.125 Speech Rank Points: 94.808
Verified Rank Points: 155.125 Verified Speech Rank Points: 92.808
National Rank: 101st National Speech Rank: 109th
GA Rank: 5th GA Speech Rank: 5th
Event National Rank GA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 87th 6th 17.284 17.284 ✔x4
flag 31st 1st 14.567 14.567 ✔x4
flag 129th 5th 10.886 10.886 ✔✔
flag 338th 9th 1.636 1.636
flag 9th 2nd 5.5 7.5 ✔
flag 82nd 3rd 19.124 19.124 ✔✔✔
flag 104th 3rd 12.815 12.815 ✔✔
flag 63rd 4th 10.996 10.996 ✔✔
flag 165th 3rd 8.5 10.5 ✔+✔
flag 63rd 1st 15.59 15.59 ✔x4
flag 116th 4th 15.756 15.756 ✔
flag 62nd 4th 25.223 25.223 ✔x5
flag 192nd 8th 14.007 14.007 ✔✔✔
flag 14th 3rd 13.004 13.004 ✔✔
flag 16th 4th 8.828 8.828 ✔✔✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.