- Georgia

Debate Club: EAGLES Speaks
Speech Club: EAGLES Speaks

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

Rank Points: 420.363 Speech Rank Points: 297.119
Verified Rank Points: 408.663 Verified Speech Rank Points: 285.419
National Rank: 19th National Speech Rank: 18th
GA Rank: 1st GA Speech Rank: 1st
Event National Rank GA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 26th 1st 61.853 61.853 ✔x12+✔✔
flag 31st 1st 11.867 11.867 ✔✔✔
flag 35th 1st 14.567 14.567 ✔x4
flag 30th 1st 44.932 44.932 ✔x10+✔✔
flag 28th 1st 41.467 41.667 ✔x4+✔✔
flag 21st 1st 48.4 48.4 ✔x5
flag 6th 2nd 55 55 ✔x6+✔
flag 2nd 2nd 7.333 18.833 ✔+✔
flag 216th 18th 2.333 2.333
flag 10th 1st 55.25 55.25 ✔x6
flag 31st 2nd 49.488 49.488 ✔x9
flag 107th 6th 13.625 15.625 ✔✔
flag 71st 4th 25.223 25.223 ✔x5
flag 233rd 10th 4.5 4.5 ✔
flag 47th 2nd 72.111 72.111 ✔x11
flag 2nd 1st 36.571 36.571 ✔
flag 7th 2nd 19.1 19.1 ✔✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.