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Team Policy Debate Rankings in Veritas Speech and Debate in California

Ranked by verified points. Include unverified results.

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Displaying all 16 entries

Rank Team Name State Debate Club Prelims Overall Verified
Points Top 38%
- 51-9 67-13 257.5 257.5 ✔x10
- 23-7 24-10 83.074 83.074 ✔x4
- 24-6 26-11 60.401 60.401 ✔x4
- 27-9 31-14 54.799 54.799 ✔x6
- 24-12 30-15 32.044 32.044 ✔x5
- 16-8 16-9 18.23 18.23 ✔✔✔
- 10-8 12-8 15.989 15.989 ✔✔
- 22-20 22-21 8.687 8.687 ✔
- 17-19 17-19 7.891 7.891 ✔
- 5-1 6-2 6.5 6.5 ✔
- 10-8 10-8 6.36 6.36 ✔
- 12-12 12-12 5.27 5.27
- 9-15 9-15 4.726 4.726