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- California

Debate Club: Apollos
Speech Club: Apollos

2012-2013 Results

Rank Points: 375.239 Speech Rank Points: 54.17
National Rank: 47th National Speech Rank: 306th
CA Rank: 25th CA Speech Rank: 97th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 102nd 38th 18.026 ✔✔
flag 361st 118th 8.852 ✔
flag 28th 16th 27.292 ✔✔✔
flag 354th 120th 2.067
flag 307th 108th 2.48
flag 30th 7th 13.635 ✔
flag 1st 1st 271.704 ✔✔✔
flag 204th 62nd 8.476 ✔✔
flag 192nd 73rd 22.707 ✔✔✔

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