- Texas

Debate Club: WSDC
Speech Club: WSDC

2012-2013 Results

Rank Points: 2.738 Speech Rank Points: 2.738
National Rank: 1846th National Speech Rank: 1463rd
TX Rank: 231st TX Speech Rank: 187th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 420th 43rd 1.267
flag 255th 34th 1.143
flag 202nd 26th 1.3
flag 873rd 120th 1.69
flag 360th 45th 1.048
flag 218th 22nd 2.333
flag 374th 41st 1.214
flag 363rd 41st 1.133

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.