Tournament Info

League: Stoa
Location: Santa Rosa, California
Start date: Thursday, April 12, 2012
End date: Saturday, April 14, 2012



Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Touche 25 ✔
2nd flag CA Avow 12.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Scarlet 8.333 ✔
4th flag CA Touche 6.25 ✔
5th flag CA EPIC 5 ✔
6th flag CA Independent CA 4.167 ✔
7th flag CA Proclaim 3.571 ✔
8th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 3.125 ✔
9th flag CA Imago Dei 2.778 ✔
10th flag CA Scarlet 2.5 ✔
11th flag CA Independent CA 2.273
12th flag CA Touche 2.083
13th flag CA Apollos 1.923
14th flag CA Auburn 1.786
15th flag CA Proclaim 1.667
16th flag CA CHAT 1.563
17th flag CA Touche 1.471
18th flag VA Vector 1.389
19th flag CA Imago Dei 1.316
20th flag CA CHAT 1.25
21st flag CA Proclaim 1.19

Dramatic Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA CHAT 16 ✔
2nd flag CA CHAT 8 ✔
3rd flag CA CHAT 5.333 ✔
4th flag CA Scarlet 4 ✔
5th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 3.2 ✔
6th flag CA CHAT 2.667 ✔
7th flag CA CHAT 2.286
8th flag CA Rhetoric 2
9th flag CA Touche 1.778
10th flag CA Delta 1.6
11th flag CA Auburn 1.455
12th flag CA Touche 1.333
13th flag CA CHAT 1.231

Duo Interpretation

Place Team Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st - flag CA Touche 24 ✔
2nd - flag CA CHAT 12 ✔
3rd - flag CA Frontline 8 ✔
4th - flag CA Rhetoric 6 ✔
5th - flag CA CHAT 4.8 ✔
6th - flag CA Scarlet 4 ✔
7th - flag CA CHAT 3.429 ✔
8th - flag CA Touche 3 ✔
9th - flag CA Touche 2.667 ✔
10th - flag CA Scarlet 2.4
11th - flag CA CHAT 2.182
12th - flag CA Touche 2
13th - flag CA CHAT 1.846
14th - flag CA Touche 1.714
15th - flag CA CHAT 1.6
16th - flag CA Canvas 1.5
17th - flag CA Auburn 1.412
18th - flag CA Touche 1.333
19th - flag CA Canvas 1.263
20th - flag CA Proclaim 1.2


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA CHAT 21 ✔
2nd flag CA Touche 10.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Avow 7 ✔
4th flag CA Touche 5.25 ✔
5th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.2 ✔
6th flag CA Proclaim 3.5 ✔
7th flag CA Canvas 3 ✔
8th flag CA Canvas 2.625 ✔
9th flag CA CHAT 2.333
10th flag CA Canvas 2.1
11th flag CA CHAT 1.909
12th flag CA Rhetoric 1.75
13th flag CA Canvas 1.615
14th flag CA CHAT 1.5
15th flag CA Frontline 1.4
16th flag CA CHAT 1.313
17th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.235


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Touche 20 ✔
2nd flag CA Touche 10 ✔
3rd flag CA CHAT 6.667 ✔
4th flag CA CHAT 5 ✔
5th flag CA Touche 4 ✔
6th flag CA CHAT 3.333 ✔
7th flag CA CHAT 2.857 ✔
8th flag CA Apollos 2.5 ✔
9th flag CA Imago Dei 2.222
10th flag CA Auburn 2
11th flag CA Touche 1.818
12th flag CA Auburn 1.667
13th flag CA Auburn 1.538
14th flag CA CHAT 1.429
15th flag CA Auburn 1.333
16th flag CA Touche 1.25
17th flag CA Auburn 1.176

Humorous Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA CHAT 23 ✔
2nd flag CA CHAT 11.5 ✔
3rd flag VA Vector 7.667 ✔
4th flag CA Touche 5.75 ✔
5th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 4.6 ✔
6th flag CA Rhetoric 3.833 ✔
7th flag CA Touche 3.286 ✔
8th flag CA CHAT 2.875 ✔
9th flag CA Touche 2.556 ✔
10th flag CA Canvas 2.3
11th flag CA Touche 2.091
12th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.917
13th flag CA CHAT 1.769
14th flag CA CHAT 1.643
15th flag CA Canvas 1.533
16th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.438
17th flag CA Touche 1.353
18th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.278
19th flag CA CHAT 1.211


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 25%?
1st flag CA Imago Dei 90 ✔
2nd flag CA Touche 45 ✔
3rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 30 ✔
4th flag CA Touche 22.5 ✔
5th flag CA Auburn 18 ✔
6th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 15 ✔
7th flag CA Scarlet 12.857 ✔
8th flag CA Auburn 11.25 ✔
9th flag CA Avow 10 ✔
10th flag CA CHAT 9 ✔
11th flag CA Touche 8.182 ✔
12th flag CA CHAT 7.5 ✔
13th flag CA Independent CA 6.923 ✔
14th flag CA EPIC 6.429 ✔
15th flag VA Vector 6 ✔
16th flag CA VALOR 5.625 ✔
17th flag CA Rhetoric 5.294 ✔
18th flag CA CHAT 5 ✔
19th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.737 ✔
20th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 4.5 ✔
21st flag CA Proclaim 4.286 ✔
22nd flag CA Auburn 4.091 ✔
23rd flag CA Apollos 3.913 ✔
24th flag CA CHAT 3.75 ✔
25th flag CA Scarlet 3.6 ✔
26th flag CA Touche 3.462 ✔
27th flag CA Auburn 3.333 ✔
28th flag CA Scarlet 3.214 ✔
29th flag CA Apollos 3.103 ✔
30th flag CA Frontline 3 ✔
31st flag CA Independent CA 2.903 ✔
32nd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.813 ✔
33rd flag CA VALOR 2.727 ✔
34th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.647 ✔
35th flag CA Proclaim 2.571 ✔
36th flag CA CHAT 2.5 ✔
37th flag CA Imago Dei 2.432
38th flag CA Frontline 2.368
39th flag CA CHAT 2.308
40th flag CA Canvas 2.25
41st flag CA CHAT 2.195
42nd flag VA Vector 2.143
43rd flag CA CHAT 2.093
44th flag CA Touche 2.045
45th flag CA Frontline 2
46th flag CA CHAT 1.957
47th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.915
48th flag CA Touche 1.875
49th flag CA Proclaim 1.837
50th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.8
51st flag CA Scarlet 1.765
52nd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.731
53rd flag CA Proclaim 1.698
54th flag CA 1.667
55th flag CA Imago Dei 1.636
56th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.607
57th flag CA Rhetoric 1.579
58th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.552
59th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.525
60th flag CA CHAT 1.5
61st flag CA CHAT 1.475
62nd flag CA Delta 1.452
63rd flag CA Frontline 1.429
64th flag CA Rhetoric 1.406
65th flag CA CHAT 1.385
66th flag CA Touche 1.364
67th flag CA Imago Dei 1.343
68th flag CA Frontline 1.324
69th flag CA Touche 1.304
70th flag CA Frontline 1.286
71st flag CA Touche 1.268
72nd flag CA Touche 1.25
73rd flag CA Fortitude 1.233
74th flag CA Proclaim 1.216
75th flag CA Imago Dei 1.2
76th flag CA 1.184

Open Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA CHAT 19 ✔
2nd flag CA Scarlet 9.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Scarlet 6.333 ✔
4th flag CA CHAT 4.75 ✔
5th flag CA CHAT 3.8 ✔
6th flag CA Canvas 3.167 ✔
7th flag CA Touche 2.714 ✔
8th flag CA CHAT 2.375
9th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.111
10th flag CA VALOR 1.9
11th flag CA CHAT 1.727
12th flag CA 1.583
13th flag CA Canvas 1.462
14th flag CA Delta 1.357
15th flag CA Auburn 1.267
16th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.188

Original Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA CHAT 6 ✔
2nd flag CA Touche 3 ✔
3rd flag CA Rhetoric 2
4th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.5
5th flag CA Touche 1.2

Original Oratory

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Rhetoric 31 ✔
2nd flag CA Scarlet 15.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Touche 10.333 ✔
4th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 7.75 ✔
5th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 6.2 ✔
6th flag CA CHAT 5.167 ✔
7th flag CA Scarlet 4.429 ✔
8th flag CA Touche 3.875 ✔
9th flag CA Imago Dei 3.444 ✔
10th flag CA Auburn 3.1 ✔
11th flag CA Imago Dei 2.818 ✔
12th flag CA Soli Deo Gloria 2.583 ✔
13th flag CA Delta 2.385
14th flag CA Canvas 2.214
15th flag CA Proclaim 2.067
16th flag CA CHAT 1.938
17th flag CA Frontline 1.824
18th flag CA Rhetoric 1.722
19th flag CA Imago Dei 1.632
20th flag CA Delta 1.55
21st flag CA Avow 1.476
22nd flag CA Touche 1.409
23rd flag CA Touche 1.348
24th flag CA CHAT 1.292
25th flag CA Fortitude 1.24
26th flag CA Delta 1.192


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Delta 18 ✔
2nd flag CA Rhetoric 9 ✔
3rd flag CA Avow 6 ✔
4th flag CA CHAT 4.5 ✔
5th flag CA Auburn 3.6 ✔
6th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 3 ✔
7th flag CA Canvas 2.571 ✔
8th flag CA CHAT 2.25
9th flag VA Vector 2
10th flag CA Touche 1.8
11th flag VA Vector 1.636
12th flag CA Imago Dei 1.5
13th flag CA Proclaim 1.385
14th flag CA VALOR 1.286
15th flag CA Imago Dei 1.2

Lincoln-Douglas Value Debate

Place Student Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st flag 5-1 7-1 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 20 ✔
2nd flag 4-2 6-2 CA Imago Dei 10 ✔
3rd flag 4-2 5-3 CA VALOR 6.667 ✔
4th flag 4-2 5-3 CA VALOR 5 ✔
5th flag 4-2 4-3 CA Touche 4 ✔
6th flag 4-2 4-3 CA Scarlet 3.333 ✔
7th flag 4-2 4-3 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.857 ✔
8th flag 4-2 4-3 CA Rhetoric 2.5 ✔
9th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Touche 2.222
10th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Rhetoric 2
11th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.818
12th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Scarlet 1.667
13th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Fortitude 1.538
14th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Touche 1.429
15th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Scarlet 1.333
16th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Rhetoric 1.25
17th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Scarlet 1.2
18th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Touche 1.2

Lincoln Douglas Value Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 20 ✔
3rd flag CA Touche 6.667 ✔
6th flag CA VALOR 3.333 ✔
7th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.857 ✔

Team Policy Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 4-2 6-2 CA Auburn 25 ✔
2nd - flag 4-2 6-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 12.5 ✔
3rd - flag 6-0 7-1 CA Frontline 8.333 ✔
4th - flag 4-2 5-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 6.25 ✔
5th - flag 5-1 5-2 CA Auburn 5 ✔
6th - flag 4-2 4-3 CA VALOR 4.167 ✔
7th - flag 4-2 4-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 3.571 ✔
8th - flag 4-2 4-3 CA VALOR 3.125 ✔
9th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.778 ✔
10th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Apollos 2.5 ✔
11th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.273 ✔
12th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.083 ✔
13th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Auburn 1.923
14th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CHAT 1.786
15th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Touche 1.667
16th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.563
17th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.471
18th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.389
19th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.316
20th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.25
21st - flag 2-4 2-4 CA 1.2
22nd - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Touche 1.2

Team Policy Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Auburn 50 ✔
2nd flag CA Auburn 25 ✔
5th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 10 ✔
10th flag CA Auburn 5 ✔