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National Christian Homeschool Speech Rankings in Veritas Speech and Debate

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Displaying all 46 records

Rank Name State Speech Club Points
1st 664.728
2nd 438.061
3rd 261.054
4th 147.427
5th 134.054
6th 133.446
7th 104.714
8th 104.626
9th 93.999
10th 85.216
11th 85.169
12th 55.73
13th 48.717
14th 37.818
15th 32.916
16th 29.715
17th 25.094
18th 24.866
19th 23.91
20th 23.638
21st 21.543
22nd 21.373
23rd 19.47
24th 19.021
25th 17.933
26th 16.421
27th 15.769
28th 13.475
29th 13.152
30th 13.093
31st 12.968
32nd 11.021
33rd 9.763
34th 9.652
35th 9.135
36th 8.645
37th 7.57
38th 5.818
39th 4.975