- Colorado

Debate Club: Resolve
Speech Club: Resolve

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 182.513 Speech Rank Points: 120.863
National Rank: 92nd National Speech Rank: 103rd
CO Rank: 18th CO Speech Rank: 23rd
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 31st 4th 40.48 ✔x4
flag 2nd 2nd 52.667 ✔✔✔
flag 155th 25th 24.017 ✔x5
flag 198th 33rd 3.699
flag 24th 4th 60.15 ✔x4
flag 114th 15th 16.6 ✔x5
flag 377th 16th 1.5
flag 516th 46th 1.905

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