- California

Debate Club: Veritas CA
Speech Club: Veritas CA

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 120.226 Speech Rank Points: 50.226
National Rank: 176th National Speech Rank: 279th
CA Rank: 42nd CA Speech Rank: 68th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 587th 175th 1.36
flag 52nd 19th 9.584 ✔✔✔
flag 53rd 12th 24.333 ✔✔✔
flag 270th 63rd 13.663 ✔x4
flag 235th 55th 1.286
flag 12th 3rd 70 ✔x6
flag 337th 98th 1.923
flag 149th 44th 16.553 ✔x6

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