- Colorado

Debate Club: Resolve
Speech Club: Resolve

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 63.572 Speech Rank Points: 47.699
National Rank: 331st National Speech Rank: 292nd
CO Rank: 43rd CO Speech Rank: 44th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 222nd 25th 9.392 ✔✔
flag 126th 18th 9.589 ✔✔✔
flag 233rd 38th 15.103 ✔✔
flag 107th 22nd 6.324 ✔✔
flag 131st 18th 7.291 ✔✔
flag 201st 24th 9.515 ✔✔
flag 159th 22nd 10.619 ✔✔
flag 164th 13th 6.358
flag 105th 12th 20.008 ✔

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