- California

Debate Club: Envoy
Speech Club: Envoy

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 176.165 Speech Rank Points: 62.965
National Rank: 101st National Speech Rank: 222nd
CA Rank: 26th CA Speech Rank: 49th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 175th 58th 12.375 ✔✔✔
flag 236th 50th 4.02
flag 36th 9th 9.5 ✔x4
flag 124th 26th 28.786 ✔x5
flag 113th 33rd 8.284 ✔✔
flag 492nd 117th 1.333
flag 481st 115th 1.6
flag 423rd 82nd 1.2
flag 88th 20th 14.2 ✔✔
flag 276th 49th 6.389 ✔✔
flag 3rd 1st 97.667 ✔x5
flag 116th 32nd 21.714 ✔x5

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