- Colorado

Debate Club: Hche
Speech Club: Hche

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 115.503 Speech Rank Points: 100.324
National Rank: 182nd National Speech Rank: 126th
CO Rank: 26th CO Speech Rank: 26th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 26th 8th 18.857 ✔✔✔
flag 169th 21st 6.705
flag 78th 16th 42.308 ✔x5
flag 57th 13th 12.053 ✔✔
flag 145th 16th 11.267 ✔✔✔
flag 105th 15th 9.134 ✔x4
flag 168th 14th 6.054
flag 32nd 1st 65.615 ✔x4
flag 377th 56th 1.394
flag 131st 19th 8.112 ✔
flag 271st 41st 2.857 ✔
flag 61st 4th 40.464 ✔x8

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