- Colorado

Debate Club: Logos CO
Speech Club: Logos CO

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 42.025 Speech Rank Points: 22.472
National Rank: 442nd National Speech Rank: 519th
CO Rank: 56th CO Speech Rank: 80th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 561st 77th 2.078
flag 162nd 20th 7.142 ✔
flag 514th 91st 5.542
flag 171st 34th 3.746
flag 325th 42nd 3.964
flag 364th 29th 1.571
flag 210th 20th 4.396
flag 427th 42nd 3.418
flag 72nd 7th 14.786 ✔✔✔
flag 262nd 39th 7.604 ✔✔

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