- California

Debate Club: Veritas CA
Speech Club: Veritas CA

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 115.577 Speech Rank Points: 82.077
National Rank: 181st National Speech Rank: 159th
CA Rank: 43rd CA Speech Rank: 34th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 62nd 21st 36.93 ✔x6
flag 51st 18th 9.629 ✔✔
flag 140th 33rd 8.217 ✔
flag 133rd 29th 27.301 ✔x4
flag 303rd 86th 2.308
flag 37th 15th 33.5 ✔x5
flag 339th 100th 1.875
flag 29th 9th 78.571 ✔x8

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