- Colorado

Debate Club: WD40
Speech Club: WD40

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 194.528 Speech Rank Points: 147.21
National Rank: 78th National Speech Rank: 76th
CO Rank: 15th CO Speech Rank: 13th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 55th 8th 39.467 ✔x7
flag 3rd 2nd 49 ✔x6
flag 56th 10th 58.743 ✔x6
flag 74th 10th 26.533 ✔x7
flag 66th 9th 28.629 ✔x6
flag 158th 12th 6.714 ✔
flag 65th 6th 18.471 ✔x5
flag 37th 3rd 57.231 ✔x7

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