- California

Debate Club: Apollos
Speech Club: Apollos

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 137.99 Speech Rank Points: 94.529
National Rank: 152nd National Speech Rank: 141st
CA Rank: 34th CA Speech Rank: 30th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 105th 33rd 20.55 ✔x6
flag 49th 11th 27.821 ✔x6
flag 139th 31st 26.857 ✔x7
flag 145th 40th 5.717 ✔
flag 128th 34th 13.584 ✔✔
flag 461st 111th 2.037
flag 442nd 108th 2.5 ✔
flag 374th 74th 1.526
flag 371st 72nd 1.545
flag 85th 18th 14.9 ✔✔
flag 183rd 31st 10.908 ✔x4
flag 47th 16th 26.524 ✔x5
flag 34th 10th 71.571 ✔x7

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