- California

Debate Club: Ex Nihilo
Speech Club: Ex Nihilo

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 560.668 Speech Rank Points: 457.001
National Rank: 7th National Speech Rank: 8th
CA Rank: 4th CA Speech Rank: 4th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 7th 4th 126.5 ✔x11
flag 24th 6th 43.917 ✔x8
flag 11th 4th 150.167 ✔x8
flag 21st 8th 35.75 ✔x8
flag 16th 7th 65.333 ✔x7
flag 25th 9th 35.334 ✔x5
flag 10th 5th 87.5 ✔x9
flag 5th 2nd 120 ✔x10
flag 281st 55th 2.5 ✔
flag 79th 16th 15.667 ✔✔
flag 453rd 88th 1.111
flag 71st 12th 30.64 ✔x5

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