- Texas

Debate Club: Invictus Fides
Speech Club: Invictus Fides

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 15.323 Speech Rank Points: 9.453
National Rank: 833rd National Speech Rank: 876th
TX Rank: 98th TX Speech Rank: 94th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 105th 9th 3.797
flag 123rd 12th 2.364
flag 272nd 23rd 3.292
flag 475th 84th 1.516
flag 527th 90th 1.044
flag 404th 44th 1.2
flag 201st 26th 4.354
flag 414th 50th 4.197

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.