- Arkansas

Debate Club: LAUNCH
Speech Club: LAUNCH

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 111.138 Speech Rank Points: 64.063
National Rank: 189th National Speech Rank: 216th
AR Rank: 6th AR Speech Rank: 12th
Event National Rank AR Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 127th 4th 17.467 ✔x4
flag 92nd 8th 14 ✔✔✔
flag 106th 7th 32.596 ✔x4
flag 75th 3rd 26.075 ✔x5
flag 87th 4th 21.218 ✔x6
flag 52nd 4th 21 ✔x6
flag 31st 4th 65.8 ✔x5

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