- Arizona

Debate Club: Mars Hill
Speech Club: Mars Hill

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 197.351 Speech Rank Points: 106.347
National Rank: 74th National Speech Rank: 122nd
AZ Rank: 5th AZ Speech Rank: 5th
Event National Rank AZ Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 233rd 12th 8.842 ✔x5
flag 78th 1st 5.333 ✔
flag 156th 2nd 1
flag 34th 2nd 38.8 ✔x7
flag 191st 8th 19.41 ✔x4
flag 62nd 3rd 16.4 ✔✔✔
flag 201st 6th 2.889
flag 126th 3rd 13.673 ✔x4
flag 465th 13th 1.897
flag 420th 11th 3.056 ✔
flag 9th 2nd 50.5 ✔x7
flag 99th 4th 21.417 ✔x8
flag 28th 2nd 38.607 ✔x8
flag 86th 4th 30.5 ✔x6

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