- California

Debate Club: Set Apart
Speech Club: Set Apart

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 43.916 Speech Rank Points: 38.802
National Rank: 428th National Speech Rank: 343rd
CA Rank: 103rd CA Speech Rank: 81st
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 124th 41st 17.83 ✔
flag 130th 40th 2.727
flag 454th 104th 6.56
flag 198th 49th 3.548
flag 426th 109th 2.438
flag 150th 34th 5.699 ✔✔
flag 437th 108th 2.543
flag 430th 105th 2.753
flag 277th 54th 2.571 ✔
flag 616th 115th 0.833

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.